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The Brave Little Toaster Disney Wiki. The Brave Little Toaster. Produced by. Donald Kushner. Thomas L. Wilhite.

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Watch S.O.S. Planet Tube Free

Studio(s)Kushner- Locke Company. Wang Film Productions. Distributor. Hyperion Pictures (USA)ITC Entertainment (UK/International)Running time. Watch Comfort 4Shared. USA)9. 1 minutes (UK/International)Gross revenue$2. The Brave Little Toaster is a 1. Thomas M. Disch. The film was directed by Jerry Rees and the titles were created at Walt Disney Pictures.

Watch S.O.S. Planet Tube Free

The film is set in a world where household appliances and other electronics have the ability to speak and move, but pretend to be lifeless in the presence of humans. The story focuses on five appliances— a toaster, a desk lamp, an electric blanket, a vacuum tube antique radio, and a vacuum cleaner—who altogether go on a quest to search for their original owner. The film was produced by Hyperion Pictures along with Kushner- Locke Company. Many of the original members of P•I•X•A•R were involved with this film, including John Lasseter and Joe Ranft.

While the film debuted mainstream on the Disney Channel and was released theatrically on July 1. The Brave Little Toaster was popular on home video and managed to garner two direct- to- video sequels a decade later (The Brave Little Toaster Goes to Mars and The Brave Little Toaster to the Rescue). Plot. A toaster, an electric blanket named "Blanky", a gooseneck lamp named "Lampy", an antique radio, and a vacuum cleaner named "Kirby" awaken in a cottage in the woods, carrying out their daily routine of work and play. They hear a car outside and excitedly think it might be their Master who's coming back. When Blanky looks out the window up in the attic he at first really does believe the Master is coming and has a daydream; but then he realizes that the car left, and is obviously not the Master's. Disappointed and weepy, he goes to get a picture of the Master and begins to cry, much to Kirby's annoyance. Kirby tries to grab the picture from Blanky, causing ruckus among all the appliances, and eventually causing the picture frame and glass to break.

The picture itself is still intact. The appliances soon come face- to- face with an air conditioner, who acts sarcastic and cynical, and informs them that the Master is not returning, despite their delusions that he is. But when the Toaster suspects that the Air Conditioner is acting in this manner because the Master never played with him like he did with themselves, he responds by ranting furiously and overheating, destroying himself in the process. Soon the gang hears another car approaching, but when they look out the living room window together, they discover that it is only a real estate man putting up a "For Sale" sign. Now they know that the Master is gone for good. After an intervention of hopeless depression among the appliances, the Toaster aggressively decides that they should go to the city and find the Master. The rest of the gang hesitates at first, but soon they agree that together, they can succeed.

After coming up with some strange methods of transportation, the Toaster uses an office chair for Kirby to pull, and a car battery named the Junko to provide power for himself and the others as they travel. That night, after journeying a while across the countryside, the appliances camp in a clearing of thick brush, not before arguing amongst one another first. Blanky tries to snuggle up with someone but no one will let him do so, so he eventually goes to sleep by his lonesome self. The next day, the appliances come to a flowery meadow and a lake where they meet a bunch of animals, some of which are fascinated by their reflections in the Toaster's chrome. The lake critters then put on a show when trying to capture a meager worm.

Afterward, the Toaster becomes so overwhelmed by the animals ogling themselves in him that she runs off into a field of tall flowers. She loses them but soon encounters a lone yellow flower. The flower mistakes its reflection in the Toaster as another one of its own kind, and despite the Toaster's explanation that it is only a reflection, the flower hugs her.

Alarmed and confused, the Toaster runs away from the flower, only later to discover it shedding a petal in sadness. The Toaster leaves, feeling guilty.

Meanwhile, the animals are frolicking around the other appliances, and the Toaster returns. A group of mice, at first seeming to befriend Blanky, try to pull him down into a hole, and try to eat his picture of the Master. The Toaster yanks him out of the hole and retrieves the picture. The Descent: Part 2 Full Movie Part 1. Shortly afterwards the appliances say goodbye to the animals and continue their journey, soon traveling into a dark forest. When they seek to find shelter, Blanky warmly provides a tent for them.

Later in the night, the Toaster thanks Blanky for letting them all camp underneath him, and she snuggles with Blanky too. This leads Lampy to have a talk with the Toaster about what warm feelings are. Lampy is reminded of the time his bulb burned out and the Master replaced his bulb, leaving Lampy with a "glowing" feeling. When Lampy and the Toaster finally go to sleep, the Toaster dreams of her memories spent with the Master, only for the memories to be immediately destroyed when an evil fireman clown attacks her with knives and water. Toaster then falls into a bathtub of water, one of her worst fears.

Just as she is electrocuted underwater, she wakes up in fear and a dangerous violent storm wakes the others up. Blanky gets blown by the wind up into the trees, and the gang can't see him in the darkness.

Lampy tries shining his light, but his bulb goes out. He tries to reenergize himself with the Junko, but he/she has gone dead, leaving the appliances without a power source. To recharge it, Lampy acts as a lightning rod and allows a bolt of lightning to strike him, thus recharging the Junko. But he ends up getting seriously damaged, and his bulb breaks (much to the horror of the Toaster, the Radio, and Kirby). The next day, the appliances continue to search for Blanky.

They find him up in a tall tree nearby. Kirby devises a plan and rescues him, but not without explaining that he only did it so everyone could keep moving. As they continue their journey, they come across a waterfall in their path. Kirby loses his nerve at the sight of it, but the appliances calm him down using "carpet- sweeping therapy." He refuses to admit he needed help, however, and instead of offering his thanks he offers insults. When the appliances try to cross the waterfall's gorge by having Kirby swing the Toaster, Lampy, Radio, Blanky and the office chair on his cord, the Toaster fails to hold up the cord's far end after experiencing vertigo, and she lets everyone fall. The cords snap off, and Kirby looks down in shock.

All alone, he eventually musters up the courage to jump into the waterfall after his friends. One by one, he saves them all. When he brings them ashore, the Toaster walks away sadly because she thinks it is her fault for getting the gang lost.

She stares at her reflection in a pond and splashes it away. She comes back to help pull Kirby along after losing the chair and the Junko. But as they struggle Kirby falls back into a mud hole and starts to sink.

He goes under, and so do the Toaster, Blanky and Lampy. Just before the Radio is about to do the same, he plays a song as an S. O. S. signal to call for help. A man named Elmo St. Peters heard the Radio's signal, then pulls him and the other appliances out and throws them in the back of the big, red Monster Truck. He drives them out of the swamp and takes them to his Parts Shop, where they glimpse the gutted parts of all kinds of appliances before being dropped off in a back room. Once there, they meet a hanging lamp who gives Lampy a new light bulb to replace his burnt out one, after he pretends to agree to Radio and tell him that Elmo is quite an amusing fellow and he tells Lampy to use his light bulb in good health, (while he still can). Later, the gang watches in horror as Elmo takes a blender apart and sells its motor to a man named Zeke.