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  2. As we approached November 11, 2011 or 11/11/11, it seemed appropriate to address the long running phenomenon of people who seem to see the 11:11, the number 11 or.
Watch Secrets Of Deception Tube Free

Deception - - The Meaning Behind the Phenomenon. As we approached November 1. For years, there have been literally thousands of websites and videos devoted to this phenomenon and its greater meaning. Many people believe that on the date of 1. Spiritual Awakening” in which people who have been “called” by this number will all of the people who have been “called” by this number will enter into a new age of enlightenment.

Some believe that it will dawn a New Age of existence in which humans will interact with the spirit realm. This article will detail the various ideas and beliefs in this movement and show that in the Bible as well as the occult, the number 1. The 1. 1/1. 1/1. 1 phenomenon is yet another spiritual deception that seduces humanity with the idea of becoming “gods.”The Online Phenomenon There are literally thousands of sites dedicated to exploring and explaining the meaning of the 1. Here is one example from the 1. Spirit Guardians website: Millions of folks all around the world are now seeing these amazing 1.

They are folks of all colours, all religions, all beliefs. It’s spreading, and becoming far more common; it’s become a major phenomenon. Someone or something is causing all these folks to look at clocks, number plates, phone numbers or any source of numbers even when they make no effort themselves to look for these things. You can even change your clocks in the house, and you will still be prompted, at the “wrong” time.

You can’t stop it, because YOU aren’t doing it. Sometimes you will even see these numbers flashing after a power outage, even though digital clocks are supposed to reset to 1. These 1. 1: 1. 1 Wake- Up Calls on your digital clocks, mobile phones, VCR’s and microwaves are the “trademark” prompts of a group of just 1,1. Spirit Guardians, or Angels, and the 1.

Once they have your attention, they will use other digits, like 1. Invisible to our eyes, they are very real. It’s a wake up call. A wake up to what you really are. You are not some accident of animal evolution, but a spiritual being that needs to pay attention to it’s own spiritual evolution. The hallmark of the 1.

It is telling the person coming to the site, curious about its meaning that they are a special and “chosen” person, with a great spiritual calling. As the site continues: 1.

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You are genetically capable of 2- way contact with the 1,1. Celestials. 2. You are prepared to be guided — Obtain information from those who measure their IQ’s in the thousands.

You are fair in your dealings with others, and useful to the 1,1. You are ‘ascending’ in spiritual growth. I’m often told they will also need you at some distant future time, but I hardly ever get details.

Getting info on the future of others is a rare thing. And most important, your Thought Adjuster (Spirit Self or God Fragment) wishes for you to get involved.

From the onset, the site is encouraging interaction with angels. The Bible (as we will show in detail) warns strongly against this activity and states that even “.

Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.” (2 Corinthians 1. But for those involved in the 1. The overwhelming majority of the websites are promoting world peace, harmony with nature and a goal of bringing love to humanity. One of the foremost 1. Solara, who heads the site nvisible. On it she states: “Something IS happening and it’s more real than any of us can imagine.” A Greater Reality is being inserted into our everyday lives.

The earthworm finally looks up to the stars and is forever transformed. A merger is taking place between our vast cosmic Selves and our physical bodies.

This transforms our DNA and allows us to finally become vibrantly alive and totally real. The next time you see the 1. The 1. 1: 1. 1 is a wake- up call you sent to yourself. A reminder of your true purpose here on Earth. Usually during times of heightened energy or accelerated personal change you will notice the 1. Seeing the Master Numbers 1. ALWAYS a confirmation that you are on the right track.

When the 1. 1: 1. A direct channel opens up between you and the Greater Reality.

Divine Intervention. It tells you that it is time to take a good look around you and see what is real and what is illusory. It’s time to pierce the veils of illusion which keep us bound to an unreal world.

You have been chosen, because you are ready, to step into a Greater Reality. To lead the way for others into a new way of living, into a Greater Love. To ascend from duality into Oneness.

Solara leading an 'activation ritual.'Solara and her followers have since 1. Watch AB Negative Online Hollywoodreporter. In locations all over the world, including the Pyramid of Giza (which play a prominent role in this movement), they do sacred rituals to bring forth this power (to get an idea of how popular this idea has been, Solara’s first gathering in 1.

The final gate activation will take place in 2. Seekers, the date of 1.

Mayan Calendar “Doomsday” by many, as it represents the end of the ancient Mayan Long Count calendar, still plays a significant role in this Spiritual Awakening). Those who feel “called” by 1. All these activities, according to the 1. These activities are forbidden strictly by the Bible as they lead to interaction and meddling with evil demonic forces. But for those in the New Age and movements such as 1. Events. All over the world, major events are being held in honor of 1.

The Gathering“The Gathering” an 1. Sedona, Arizona, seems to be one of the biggest events being planned.

It involves over a week of seminars, workshops and rituals leading up to 1. On, November 1. 0th, the day’s events include the following: 1.

Speaker/Discussion) – Mark Pinkam (Sedona)“World Gnosis: The Coming Gnostic Civilization”Gnostic Templar Grand Prior Mark Amaru Pinkham presents the amazing history and teachings of the Left Hand Path —which includes the world’s gnostics, alchemists, secret societies, and mystery school initiates—and its continual battle with the patriarchal adherents of the Right Hand Path. Mark begins with the Garden of Eden and the Gnostics’ First Instructor, the Serpent on the Tree, and then traces the Left Hand Path down through the Sons and Daughters of Seth to the Essenes, Sufis, Knights Templar, Cathars, Freemasons and the Illuminati, as plans for the creation of a One- World Gnostic Civilization gradually unfold. The final piece of the plan is destined to soon fall into place, when the Right and Left Hand Paths come to a peaceful resolution of their ancient battle and work together to create a gnostic civilization that is the union of both paths.

The culmination of human civilization will then have arrived, and all institutions and levels of society will encourage people throughout the Earth to complete their spiritual evolution by achieving the goal of the gnostic mandate “Know Thyself. The 1. 1/1. 1/1. 1 movement is a virtual smorgasbord of New Age philosophies, doctrines and beliefs. And this also makes it more seductive as it provides avenues for many to come and be a part of it.

The central theme is that returning to the ancient mystery religions and lost ancient knowledge will serve as a tool to unlock the divinity that is within each human being. And where did this “lost knowledge” originate? The workshop says it itself: the Serpent in the Garden of Eden.“Ye Shall Be As Gods”The Bible’s account of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden is a very well- known story. What is not as well- known is why Eve was so enticed by the serpent to partake of the forbidden fruit. It was the offer: “Now the serpent was more [subtle] than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.

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