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Green Lanterns Killed Other Green Lanterns. For a group established to protect the universe, the Green Lantern Corps. Many of the most well known Lanterns don’t always get along, but these differences in ideals are what separate them from one another and help them stand out as their own individual characters. Watch Be Cool Online Full Movie.

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However, the Green Lantern comics prove— perhaps more than any other DC title— that no hero is immune to corruption on some level. They each face guilt and regret, and sometimes this allows them to be overcome by outside forces, or pushes them to make hard choices. Either way, not every fight between Lanterns ends in an arrest. Sinestro, once hailed as the greatest of the Green Lanterns, will always be the antagonist at the center of this corner of the DC universe.

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He’s the villainous glue that ties the Green Lantern mythos together. However, even the stalwart good guys have had their own turns to the dark side in the past, as we’ll explore below. In this article, we will be counting any characters who serve, or have served, in the Corps. Other Lantern colors, such as yellow, red, indigo, etc. Here are the 1. 5 Times Green Lanterns Killed Other Green Lanterns. Sinestro kills Laira. Laira had a complicated past as a Green Lantern: she had been trained by Kilowog’s second in command Ke’Haan, a mentor who failed many of his recruits.

Instead of quitting, as so many had before her, she became his prized pupil. She was further toughened by being forced into battle against her father, a former Green Lantern who, in his exile, had become the supervillain known as Golden Dragon. After being left for dead by a Parallax possessed Hal Jordan, she helped to form the Lost Lanterns. After the death of her mentor, there could not have been a worse time for a Red Lantern ring to come into her life. It brought out the rage inside her, reducing her to an almost animalistic state and turning her into one of the first members of the Red Lantern Corps. Hal Jordan attempted to get through to her, and it was beginning to work when Sinestro killed her simply so that Jordan could not have the satisfaction of bringing her back from the brink.

John Stewart kills Kirrt. John Stewart has become known as the Green Lantern who makes the hardest decisions that others aren’t able to make, and knows exactly what needs to be done when faced with a tough choice. He’s proven himself in this area many times over, and Kirrt’s death has to be one of the most frequently cited examples. As the young Green Lantern of sector 1. Kirrt Kallak is being tortured when Stewart intervened. Faced with no other option, Stewart kills the young Lantern– snapping his neck to prevent him from giving away the location of Oa to his attackers.

It’s a cold blooded move that leads to a lot of people seeing Stewart in a new, slightly dimmer light. A Parallax possessed Kyle Rayner kills Jack T. Chance. Hal Jordan definitely gets the majority of the blame when it comes to crimes committed while possessed by the entity known as Parallax. However, Kyle Rayner has his share of guilt as well, considering the fact that he murdered fellow Lantern Jack T. Chance while under Parallax’s influence. Chance became a Lantern by circumstance. After the planet Garnet’s Lantern was killed, the ring chose Chance, who hunted down and killed his predecessor’s murderer.

  • The Green Lanterns are meant to be the peaceful protectors of the galaxy, but many have killed other Green Lanterns in cold blood.
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The Guardians wanted to strip Chance of his ring, but could not find a suitable replacement, so they allowed him to keep it. He was one of the few who survived the battle against Hal Jordan during the Emerald Twilight saga. He endured this ordeal only to later be killed by Parallax when it took control of Kyle Rayner. Arkkis Chummuck kills (and eats) the Green Lantern of Xanshi. The death of Xanish probably sounds the most shocking, but it basically boils down to a matter of cultural differences.

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Chummuck hails from a race that holds honor above everything else, even life itself. When his home world’s raiding parties are defeated by the Green Lantern of Xanshi, named Reever. Chummuck takes it upon himself to face Reever in combat. Making a yellow warsuit for himself, he bests the Lantern and is named the new Green Lantern of his sector.

In keeping with the customs of his people, Chummuck eats Reever’s remains as a way to honor him as a worthy opponent. Despite this display of violence, Chummuck takes his place as a relatively non- violent Green Lantern, attempting to cease war in his region by becoming a voice of diplomacy on both rival planets. Lin Canar kills Dob Zagil. When initially selected as a Green Lantern, Lin Canar turned down the proposition, and wanted no part of it.

Dob Zagil was selected instead, but, as people so often do in the DC universe, Zagil then went mad with power. He began making steps to eradicate crime in his sector by destroying the class of citizens most likely to commit a crime at some point in the future.

However, Lin Canar steps in to stop Dob Zagil and eventually kills him. Only after this does he finally accept his role as a Green Lantern and begins to understand the responsibilities that come with the title, particularly after being faced with the perfect example of what not to do. Laira kills her father, Kentor Omoto.

As previously mentioned, one of Laira’s first acts as a Green Lantern was to come face- to- face with her father Kentor Omto, who had become the super villain Golden Dragon while she’d been away to train. Omto took his role as a Green Lantern very seriously, but, when the city X’Ol became corrupt and dishonorable, Omoto used his power ring to influence the members of the council. His plan to clean up the city by influencing the minds of others would have worked had the Guardians not been made aware of his actions. Once they learned what he was doing, they stripped him of his power ring, and he was banished by the Draez council. After his disappearance, the Guardians approached Laira to let her know her father had died.

Only later, when facing him in battle, does she actually learn the truth. Confronting her father is a test placed on her by the Guardians to see if she is truly without fear. Although she leaves Omoto near death, he takes the extra step and commits ritual suicide. John Stewart kills his resurrected wife, Katma Tui. John Stewart and Katma Tui never caught a break. The relationship built slowly over time.

That all changed when Star Sapphire appeared in Katma’s home, brutally murdering her simply to prove a point to Hal Jordan. She died for a personal vendetta that didn’t even have anything to do with her. When John Stewart became the Master Builder, he was able to resurrect Katma for a time. However, this ended when a Parallax- possessed Hal Jordan destroyed the Guardians and the Central Power Battery, robbing John of his new powers and his wife.

During the Blackest Night arc, Katma is once again resurrected, this time as a Black Lantern. Stewart and Star Sapphire Fatality then combine their efforts to kill the resurrected Katma and destroy her ring.

Sinestro destroys the Central Power Battery and kills Driq. Hailing from the planet Criq, it’s unknown how or when exactly Driq became a Green Lantern. Driq has actually died multiple times, but his power ring always pieces his body back together and keeps him alive through the power of will. He and the surviving Klyminade joined together with the Lanterns of Earth to combat Sinestro. He aided in Sinestro’s capture and was even present at Sinestro’s execution.

This execution did not go as planned, however, as Sinestro had installed a failsafe to see to it that the Central Power Battery was destroyed. When the battery fell, the energy holding Driq together dissipated and he died a permanent death.

Some time later, he is one of many to be resurrected as a Black Lantern, but, unlike the others he retains his mind, with his green and black rings fighting for control. He dies once again when Xanshi is destroyed. Sinestro kills Ebikar Hrui when he unleashes the empathistar Ebikar Hrui stemmed from Earth’s neighboring sector 2. Watch Sausage Party Online Gorillavid more.