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SACRIFICE: MAGIC BEHIND THE MIC- The Illuminati & Hip Hop. Posted By Illuminati. Watcher on Jan 2. The latest research in hip hop conspiracy theories…I’m excited to announce my 2nd book entitled SACRIFICE: MAGIC BEHIND THE MIC. This book focuses on conspiracy theories and the Illuminati symbolism in hip hop culture, rap music, and pop music.

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Connections between the occult and rap music you CAN’T find anywhere else. This is literally a one- of- a- kind book. The range of topics I connect and expose aren’t made anywhere else. You can find books about hip hop conspiracies, but you’re not going to find a book that reveals the magical formula of Jay- Z’s power triangle and his obsession with the color blue and why many artists are literally performing magic rituals on their videos.

Relevant artists with fresh material. This is a book written for the hip hop community; by a life long fan of the culture. Even if you don’t know what a ‘Lil Wayne‘ is, you’ll still understand the topics I’m presenting because I’ll take the reader through the history of hip hop, what it means to so many people, how the Illuminati hijacked it, and why there is an occult influence within it that is pervasive to this day. Official release information: Take a journey to the dark side of hip hop……where the independent researcher, Isaac Weishaupt, lays out the global Illuminati agenda for all to see. In this explicit exposé he’ll explain the origins of hip hop and tell you who the key players are that allow this manipulation to transpire.

Examples of powerful occult secrets and magic rituals are presented to the reader, with an explanation of why they’re being subjected to such disorder. Learn about the mind control and demonic possession that plagues today’s most popular rap and R& B artists……as you acquire the skills necessary to become aware of the plan the music industry has to instill occultist Aleister Crowley’s ushering of the New Age of Horus. Explore the dark corners of conspiracy theories revolving around the murder of musicians……for the ancient practice of sacrifice to the blood thirsty pagan gods and selling of one’s soul in exchange for fame and fortune. The codex for decoding all of the major Illuminati symbols is revealed in the Appendix that provides rich detail of symbols such as the All Seeing Eye, Jay- Z’s power diamond, the black cube of Saturn, and much more.

Topics include. Origins of hip hop. How the Illuminati manipulates the black culture through an industrial prison complex and negative messages in rap music. The use of magical spells used in lyrics and music videos.

Demonic possession and MKULTRA mind control. Magician Aleister Crowley and his occult agenda. The ancient practice of blood sacrifice being perpetuated to this day. Learn the REAL truth about: Eminem and Jay- Z’s ‘Rain Man‘ demonic entity.

The reason Tupac, BIG, Aaliyah, Left Eye, ODB and Michael Jackson were murdered. Death Row Records involvement with the Illuminati. The black Skull & Bones known as ‘The Boule‘How an FBI COINTELPRO secret program assassinated black leaders with positive messages (e. MLK)Prince and Jay- Z predicting 9/1.

Dr. Dre’s Illuminati power move to become rap’s first billionaire. Beyonce’s spiritual channeling of Sasha Fierce. The crossover into the Age of Aquarius with pop stars like Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus, and Justin Bieber. Kabbalah secrets in the music industry. How DMX, Kanye West, and Lauryn Hill all revealed the true nature of the music industry…and MUCH more!

This book has been featured on Freeman Fly’s ‘The Free Zone‘…. You can pick it up now using the link on my embedded Gumroad sales script below (click “I WANT THIS”). As always, you’ll get a 1. Gumroad).*This new version of SACRIFICE: MAGIC BEHIND THE MIC includes new thoughts on the latest updates to the hip hop world- including Straight Outta Compton, the rise and fall of Suge Knight, and Isaac Weishaupt’s experience of defending the book on SIRIUS/XM’s SHADE4. All Out Show”! If you want to save yourself some money, check out the Illuminati.

Watcher Bundled Package deals where you can get the book, plus several others. Also available on Amazon in Kindle. Watch The Riddle Online.

Create. Space: Here is a small excerpt from the book: One indictment of the Illuminati infiltration of the entertainment industry is the clever ruse of redefining magic. They’ve managed to depict magic as parlor tricks performed by men dressed in black and white pulling rabbits out of a hat. In all reality this is a psychological operation (Psy.

Op) meant to distract the masses from the beliefs held by practitioners. In reality it’s more of a self- discipline used to create one’s own world; a concept veiled in New Age thought and in books like The Secret. There are different forms of magic such as Wiccan, Hermetic, Black, White, etc. Some of the more modern forms of magic have roots in the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, a close offshoot of Thelema, founded by Aleister Crowley. R& B singer Ciara wore a coat that boasted the name of the Golden Dawn in her video for Keep On Lookin’ and Jay- Z wore the Thelema expression Do What Thou Wilt on the aforementioned video shoot for Run This Town.

A temporary Independence Day celebration in Watch Dogs 2 was suspended early on July 4 because it was enraging too many people who still play Ubisoft’s late 2016. Get the latest Rolling Stone new music news, song and album reviews, free music downloads, artist videos & pictures, playlists and more.

Does this mean they practice magic? Not necessarily, but it does beg the question. The two magic sects are a more ritualistic style of magic so it falls in line with the reason why they insist on showing us these symbols.

Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud theorized about a ‘collective unconscious’ or ‘archaic remnants’ that the symbolism speaks to. When we see a symbol in a music video it is able to penetrate the message by opening up certain frequencies or chakras with the beat, effectively making the listener part of the ritual. When we see Jay- Z holding up the triangle of manifestation on his album cover, it’s working on the collective unconscious level. Rick Rubin is a name synonymous with hip hop because he found Def Jam Records with Russell Simmons, which provided us with acts like LL Cool J, Public Enemy, Beastie Boys, and Run DMC. He was highlighted in a New York Times article when he revealed his fascination with magic: “From the time I was 9 years old, I loved magic,” Rubin recalled as he walked around the cavernous loftlike space. I was an only child, and I think that had a big impact on me.

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After six episodes that have been incredible, infuriating, revealing, confusing, and epic, last night’s Game of Thrones finale had a great many things to answer for. Watch Short Films. Love Short Films. Growing Showcase of the Best Shorts Around the Planet. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get.

I always had grown- up friends even though I was a little kid. I would take the train from Lido Beach into Manhattan, and I’d hang out in magic shops. When I was 1. 4, I had magician friends who were 6.

Watch Eternal Summer Online Mic

Tower of Power - News and Updates As many of you already know David Garibaldi and Marc van Wageningen were seriously injured January 1. Yoshi's in Oakland, CA. They were crossing the street in front of Yoshi's and were hit by an Amtrack train.

According to unverified reports, there was a freight train that had just passed and a group of pedestrians were starting to cross the street but another train was coming from the other direction that they did not see. This is unverified information, more on the actual accident as information is available. David and Marc are both home recovering from their injuries. David is expected to return to the band in November. For now, former member Herman Matthews is on drums. We will keep you updated here and on the band's Facebook page: Latest Interview With Emilio Castillo. A FEW MINUTES WITH: Emilio Castillo of Tower of Power.

By Don Wilcock. Tower of Power, the urban soul horn band playing the Cohoes Music Hall on Thursday night (November 1. Founding member and tenor saxman Emilio Castillo says they’re recording it using the Michael Jackson method: you record 2. You’re Still A Young Man” was the first song Castillo wrote with his songwriting partner Stephen “Doc” Kupka. Castillo was 1. 8 in 1. Sharon, a 2. 4- year- old caught between loving this kid in a Bay Area soul band and being abused by a Vietnam veteran with PTSD. We were like pinballs in a pinball machine,” Castillo explains, “just kinda bouncing off the walls.

We didn’t know why we did what we did or why we were the way we were. We were just sort of driven by our emotions, and I lived that way until I was 3. That was the year he got sober, but he did a lot of blow before that happened, and it wasn’t all through a sax. It’s like we grew up with blinders on, and some of us at some point took off the blinders and started to mature, and worked on ourselves, and others just continued to live that way. We live in this small encased world, especially when you start to, quote, make it."“We never thought about what we were gonna do (when we matured) because it was all handed to us as children. Like we knew there was nothing we were ever gonna do besides play music.

I mean I never thought for a second, ‘Boy, what will I do with my life?’ I mean, I knew I was gonna play music; it was gonna be the band."More than 6. Bill Graham. Graham was the most volatile and aggressive major domo of the psychedelic era with Fillmores East and West and two record labels. Tower of Power’s tenure with Graham is an amazing story if for no other reason than the band didn’t fit into the type of acts Graham booked.“We were not in that clique with all the psychedelic bands: Quicksilver Messenger Service, Jefferson Airplane, Santana, Big Brother & the Holding Company. We were known as a good dance band, but we played good soul music, and we were very committed to being really accurately soulful and then we became original.”Tower of Power played a Tuesday night audition at the Fillmore West when they were at the end of their rope in 1. They had been blackballed by the clubs after an underage bust by the Alcoholic Beverage Control, and Castillo was running out of time on his parents’ ultimatum that he return to Detroit if he couldn’t make it as a musician on the West Coast.

They were the last band of five to go on stage at the Fillmore’s weekly audition show. They’d waited a year with virtually no gigs for this opportunity.“We had velour shirts, and all the velour was worn off, and there were roach burns in all the shirts. We walked out, and people just turned around and started walking out.

They didn’t know what we were, but we hit with this James Brown song called “Open the Door,” and we were doing it instrumental style. We were just drilling it, man, and it was like somebody said, ‘About face!’ Everybody turned around and started walking back in. We were about half way in, and the horns were going (he scats), and I saw this head stick out of the back room. It was Bill’s office, and he.

Bill Graham signed the fledgling band to a publishing deal, a management deal, a booking deal and a record deal. The relationship was extremely volatile with the band nearly coming to blows with Graham over issues, some of which were clouded by the group’s drug abuse. Graham had them locked into a contract that left him holding all the cards.“We would plead our case, and we’d start, ‘Bill, we’re really sorry. We didn’t handle it right. We were disrespectful, but please, we just want to get on with our career.’ Then, he’d go, ‘Well, boys, I hear ya, and I just.

Castillo begins unintelligible screaming).’ And he had this office that was all glass windows, and outside were rows of desks with these girls. When he screamed at you he would stand up, and then he would point down at you, and he’d be screaming and pointing at you at the top of his lungs, very loud. And the girls would be looking in on us, and we’d be shrinking while he’d be growing, and we’d go, ‘OK, Bill,’ and we’d leave. We’ll see you next Monday, Bill.’ ‘See you, boys.’ And we did that for almost a year."After years of successful singles, like “So Very Hard to Go,” “This Time Is Real” and “Don’t Change Horses (In the Middle of a Stream)” in 1.

Graham had mellowed towards the band.“He had us play his Christmas party. When we’d done sound check and everybody had split, I was sitting there, and he walks in and sits down next to me and says, ‘I’m going to say something, and I don’t want you to talk."“I got nervous."“And he says, ‘I know you guys have been having a difficult time. Let’s just say I had a good roll of the dice this year.

I’m going to give you this envelope, and I want you to take it and keep it. It’s for you. You can keep it for yourself. You can split it up with the guys, whatever you want. Don’t say a word, and I’m still paying you for the gig, and merry Christmas. And he gives me an envelope with $1. Ten thousand dollars in 1.

And the guys came back before the gig, and there was a pool table in the back room in the dressing room. I threw the $1. 0,0. I said, ‘Merry Christmas, boys,’ and we all split it. And he still paid us for the gig.”Tower of Power’s signature hit is “What Is Hip” from 1. If you think you know what is hip, the passing years will show what is hip.” The definition of hip has changed thousands of times since 1.

Castillo is eternally hip. He told me in 2. 00. We’ve got legs because we’re not ‘in.’ We’re not following a trend. We’re not setting a trend.

We’re not a trend that’s gone by.