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Watch Big Stone Gap HIGH Quality Definitons


League of Legends terminology League of Legends Wiki. There are Lo. L terms that are used in and outside the game, with some terms being used to simplify and facilitate rapid communication. This is a list of these terms and their definitions. Please contribute to the page by adding more terms and definitions alphabetically. A custom game between two players.

Usually done on Howling Abyss but occasionally done on Summoner's Rift in mid lane. The act of battling against an enemy champion, when neither champions have any help from their allies (i. A champion's capability of winning direct trades against an enemy champion. Some champions like Jax and Irelia have high 1v. The ones that have lower 1v.

Watch Big Stone Gap HIGH Quality Definitons

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Twisted Treeline (referring to the fact that teams consist of 3 champions each). Summoner's Rift (referring to the fact that teams consist of 5 champions each). A AAAuto attack. AASArchangel's Staff. ABAMAll Blind All Mid: a custom game type where players pick champions in Blind Pick Mode to fight only in the middle lane. Watch Two Of A Kind Online (2017).

Ace. When all champions on a team are dead at the same time. To kill the last living champion on the opposing team.

Active. Abilities possessed by champions and certain items that require activating (via clicking and/or hitting a key) to function, as opposed to "passive". ADAttack damage. ADAMAll Draft All Mid: a custom game type where players pick a champion to only fight in the middle lane. ADCAttack Damage Carry: a champion that deals high amounts of attack damage as the match progresses.

AFKAway From Keyboard: a player who is not currently in control of their champion in a match. Aggro. The targeting priority (or enmity) of an A. I. controlled minion, turret, monster, etc. Ali. Alistar. Ani.

Aniv. Anivia. Ao. EArea of effect. APAbility power. ARABAll Random All Bottom: A custom game type like ARAM, but played on the bottom lane on the Crystal Scar instead. ARAMAll Random All Mid: A custom game type where players randomly pick a champion to only fight in the middle lane. A matched game type where players randomly pick a champion to play on Howling Abyss. Ar. PAr. Pen. Armor penetration.

ARTSAction Real- Time Strategy. ASATSASPDAttack speed. Assassin. A champion type whose forte is rapidly ambushing and slaying enemy champions.

They have abilities that may include stealthing themselves or having a strong dash skill. Assist. To help an allied champion in killing an enemy champion, gaining a share of the bounty. The alternative term for  support champions. Aura. A passive ability that usually applies to the champion and those around the champion. Aura platform. Aura bot. A champion who is equipped with multiple aura- producing items to assist teammates.

Auto attack. Auto- attack. Autoattack. The basic attack move performed by a champion when right- clicking an enemy unit. B BBack: to retreat in the general direction of your base or away from the enemy. Recall: To return to the base by pressing the "B" key by default.

Babysit. For one champion to continually assist another champion in order to assist them in getting more powerful. For a champion (usually jungler) to cover a lane and see to it that the minions don't push to the friendly tower, while the usual laning champion is temporarily elsewhere.

Bait. To feign weakness in order to lure the enemy into a trap. Ball. The untargetable mobile object under Orianna's command. Banana. Soraka's autoattack. Baron Baron Nashor. Exalted with Baron Nashor.

Aka "Baron Buff")Base. The walled area where the shop, nexus and inhibitors are situated. Bear. Volibear. Annie's. Summon Tibbers. Udyr's. Bear Stance. BCThe Black Cleaver.

BDBackdoor. To attack an enemy tower or base without the support of a minion wave. Typically this is done by sneaking through the jungle and only becoming revealed to the opposing team as late as possible, in order to delay a reaction. To capture a capture point, typically the middle one, which is close to the enemy fountain and surrounded by two other enemy capture points. BFBFSB. F. Sword. BGBad Game. Bird. Anivia. Sometimes refers to the crows from Fiddlesticks'Dark Wind. Blind. A Crowd control effect that causes the recipient's basic attacks to miss completely.

Blind pick. A type of match where all participants select their champion simultaneously. Both teams are unaware which champions the opposing side has picked until the loading screen appears. Any champion can be summoned by one ally and one enemy at the same time.

Picking a champion for a lane in draft pick before the enemy has picked an opposing champion(s) for the same lane. Blink. A type of movement ability, similar to the summoner spell Flash. Blitz. Blitzcrank. Blue. Blue Buff: Crest of Insight. By extension, can also refer to the  Blue Sentinel. Blue Team: the group of players that start out at the lower left side of Summoner's Rift or Howling Abyss, or on the left side of Twisted Treeline and Crystal Scar. This team will always be the first during the pick/ban phase of Ranked and Normal Draft modes.

Glyphs, a type of rune. BMBad mannered / bad manners. Bo. RKBot. RKBRKBlade of the Ruined King. Bot. Bottom lane.

The Quarry/Boneyard capture points in Dominion. An A. I. controlled champion. Bot game. Co- op vs. AI. A custom game where nearly all of the players are bots. Bounty. The amount of gold a target is worth should they be slain. Box. Boxes. Shaco's. Jack in the Box. BPBlue Pill (obsolete), which was replaced by Recall.

Sometimes used in place of "B". BRBBe right back.

Broken. When something within the game is viewed as imbalanced or malfunctioning (a champion, an item, a spell, etc.). Bruce. Lee Sin. Bruiser. A champion with high effective health and damage per second. See fighter. Brush. Bush. The tall grass in which champions can hide. BTThe Bloodthirster. Buff. A positive effect applied to a champion.

An official modification to the game mechanics which makes something more powerful, as opposed to a "nerf". Bug. A defect in the mechanics of the game that is not intended. Kha'Zix. Skarner.

Rek'Sai. Burst. A large amount of damage being dealt in a short time, pertaining particularly to the damage dealt by a single champion. Nuke is also a commonly used term. BVBanshee's Veil.

C Cait. Caitlyn. Cap. Rabadon's Deathcap. To capture a point in Dominion. A limit past which something can not rise (For instance, attack speed is capped at 2. Care. To be careful, implying a possible gank incoming or any other kind of danger. Carry. A champion that generally starts off weaker than other champions, but becomes more powerful as the game progresses.

The action of being ultimately responsible for winning a game. Cass. Casio. Cassiopeia. Caster. A champion whose main source of damage is their abilities. The damage can be either magic or physical damage, and can scale with either AP (ability power) or AD (attack damage).

Cat. Nidalee. Rengar. CCCrowd control: A category of status effects which limit movement or actions. CDCooldown. Waiting for an ability's cooldown to finish before commencing an action.

CDRCooldown reduction. Chain CCTo consecutively use multiple crowd control spells on an enemy champion. Champ. A champion; a particular character that the summoner calls on and controls.

Char. Short for "character", used to mean champion. Channelling. The casting time required to perform certain spells. These types of spells can be interrupted by "hard" crowd control.

Chase. To pursue an enemy champion as they're running away. Cheese. To try to kill the enemy laner at level 1- 2 and snowball from there. Watch Cai Li Fu Online Free 2016 more. Cho. Cho'Gath. Classic. The standard MOBA game mode in which players focus on laning, pushing minion waves, and destroying the enemy structures. Clutch move. To perform a well- timed action while under pressure. Co- op. Co- op vs.

AI: the player versus A. I. controlled champion match mode. Collapsing. When allied players coordinate with each other in order to converge and overwhelm the enemy team. Commit. To not retreat. To stay in a fight until the battle is over, or until your champion is slain.