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Public Genomes. Many people are paying to have their DNA tested. Others are sharing their genomes on the Internet. Are they crazy? Airing August 18, 2009 at 9 pm.

Your Drink Might Be Making Your Allergies Worse. If you find your allergies are getting worse while you’re at a bar with friends, the issue might be what you’re drinking. Some wine and beer contains histamines that can add to your agony or even potentially trigger a gnarly allergic reaction. Histamines occur naturally in some alcoholic beverages and are the same thing your body releases when you inhale a ton of pollen on an afternoon hike. Asthma UK notes that red wine is the biggest offender, followed by white wine and then beer and cider. More than just amplifying hay fever symptoms, for asthmatics booze has also been known to cause an asthma attack. Does that mean you should stay away from drinking during allergy season?

No, of course not. That would be crazy. Different people will obviously have different reactions to things, so there’s a solid chance your favorite alcohol is just fine. If you’re suffering, just pay careful attention to how you feel pre and post drink. If you do have an issue, Asthma UK suggests making the switch to clear liquors such as vodka and gin. Both have very low levels of histamines and sulfites (also known to cause asthma attacks).

Watch Asthma Online Hulu

Mike Pence Touches NASA Equipment Labeled 'Do Not Touch', Becomes Instant Meme. Vice President Mike Pence made a big mistake during his tour of NASA’s Kennedy Space Center yesterday. He touched a piece of critical space flight hardware in the Orion clean room, despite the fact that there was a sign that clearly read, “DO NOT TOUCH.” So, of course, the photo is now a meme. The original photo, taken by Mike Brown of Reuters, has gotten a life of its own online. Some people are simply making jokes about unwanted “touching” from Pence, while others have accomplished more elaborate photoshops—like the person who added President Trump’s infamous tennis photo. Reddit even has a Photoshop Battle going on.

Watch Asthma Online Hulu

Username Your username may be in the form of your email address, and may be different than your Plenti.com login. Forgot your username? Password. The Nintendo Switch exists, and is a fantastic gaming system that you can, in a pinch, play in a bar, a car, or on the train. Phones exist too, and the games on them. The original photo, taken by Mike Brown of Reuters, has gotten a life of its own online. Some people are simply making jokes about unwanted “touching” from Pence. Asthma UK notes that red wine is the biggest offender, followed by white wine and then beer and cider. More than just amplifying hay fever symptoms, for asthmatics.

So if you’re inspired to create your own version of Pence’s weird NASA encounter, please share it with us in the comments. This isn’t the first time that members of the Trump administration have inspired a meme. Watch Repo Men Online Full Movie. From the glowing orb in Saudi Arabia, to those bizarre photos of the Trump family at the Vatican, it seems like the entire Trump presidency is going to be fodder for photoshop jokesters. Update, 3: 4. 4pm: Vice President Pence just tweeted a joke, blaming Marco Rubio (who was standing behind him) for daring him to touch the NASA equipment. And now he’s doing his own memes, which I’m sure were in no way focus grouped all day: Make it stop, please. Update, 3: 5. 8pm: And here’s a statement we just got from NASA: The ‘do not touch’ signs are there as a day- to- day reminder, including the one visible on the titanium Forward Bay Cover for the Orion spacecraft. Procedures require the hardware to be cleaned before tiles are bonded to the spacecraft, so touching the surface is okay.

Otherwise, the hardware would have had a protective cover over it like the thermal heat shield, which was nearby.