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National Weather Service Text Product Display. Skip Navigation. NWS Weather Forecast Office Product Listing. Click on the product identifier or description to view products: Product Identifier.

Product Description. ABVRawinsonde Data Above 1. Millibars. ADAAlarm/Alert Administrative Msg.

The Project Gutenberg EBook of Moby Dick; or The Whale, by Herman Melville This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions.

ADMAlert Administrative Message. ADRNWS Administrative Message. ADVGeneric Space Environment Advisory.

AFDArea Forecast Discussion. AFMArea Forecast Matrices.

AFPArea Forecast Product. AFWFire Weather Matrix.

AGFAgricultural Forecast. AGOAgricultural Observations. ALTSpace Environment Alert. AQAAir Quality Alert. AQIAir Quality Index Statement. ASAAir Stagnation Advisory. AVAAvalanche Watch.

AVWAvalanche Warning. AWOArea Weather Outlook. AWSArea Weather Summary. AWUArea Weather Update. AWWAirport Weather Warning. BOYBuoy Report. BRGCoast Guard Observations.

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BRTHourly Roundup for Weather Radio. CAEChild Abduction Emergency. CCFCoded City Forecast.

CDWCivil Danger Warning. CEMCivil Emergency Message. CF6. WFO Monthly/Daily Climate Data. CFPConvective Forecast Product. CFWCoastal Flood Warnings/Watches/Statements.

CGRCoast Guard Surface Report. CHGComputer Hurricane Guidance. CLAClimatological Report (Annual)CLIClimatological Report (Daily)CLMClimatological Report (Monthly)CLQClimatological Report (Quarterly)CLSClimatological Report (Seasonal)CLTClimate Report. CMMCoded Climatological Monthly Means. CODCoded Analysis and Forecasts. CPFGreat Lakes Port Forecast.

CURRoutine Space Environment Products. CWACenter (CWSU) Weather Advisory. CWFCoastal Waters Forecast. CWSCenter (CWSU) Weather Statement. DAYRoutine Space Environment Product (Daily)DDODaily Dispersion Outlook. DGTDrought Information Statement. DSAUnnumbered Depression / Suspicious Area Advisory.

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DSMASOS Daily Summary. EFP3 To 5 Day Extended Forecast. EOLAverage 6 To 1. Day Weather Outlook (Local)EQITsunami Bulletin. EQREarthquake Report. EQWEarthquake Warning. ESFFlood Potential Outlook.

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ESGExtended Streamflow Guidance. ESPExtended Streamflow Prediction. ESSWater Supply Outlook. EVIEvacuation Immediate.

EWWExtreme Wind Warning. FA0. Aviation Area Forecasts (Pacific)FA1. Aviation Area Forecasts (Northeast)FA2. Aviation Area Forecasts (Southeast)FA3.

Aviation Area Forecasts (North Central)FA4. Aviation Area Forecasts (South Central)FA5. Aviation Area Forecasts (Rocky Mountains)FA6. Aviation Area Forecasts (West Coast)FA7. Aviation Area Forecasts (Juneau, AK)FA8.

Aviation Area Forecasts (Anchorage, AK)FA9. Aviation Area Forecasts (Fairbanks, AK)FD0. Hr Fd Winds Aloft Fcst (4. Ft)FD1. 6 Hour Winds Aloft Forecast.

FD2. 12 Hour Winds Aloft Forecast. FD3. 24 Hour Winds Aloft Forecast. FD4. Winds Aloft Forecast.

FD5. Winds Aloft Forecast. FD6. Winds Aloft Forecast. FD7. Winds Aloft Forecast. FD8. 6 Hour Fd Winds Aloft Fcst (4. Ft)FD9. 12 Hr Fd Winds Aloft Fcst (4. Ft)FDIFire Danger Indices.

FFAFlash Flood Watch. FFGFlash Flood Guidance. FFHHeadwater Guidance.

FFSFlash Flood Statement. FFWFlash Flood Warning. FLNNational Flood Summary. FLSFlood Statement.

FLWFlood Warning. FOFUpper Wind Fallout Forecast. FRWFire Warning. FSHNatl Marine Fisheries Administrative Service Message. FTMWSR- 8. 8D Radar Outage Notification / Free Text Message. FTPFOUS Prog Max/Min Temp/Pop Guidance.

FWAFire Weather Administrative Message. FWDFire Weather Outlook Discussion.

FWFRoutine Fire Wx Fcst (With/Without 6- 1. Day Outlook)FWLLand Management Forecasts. FWMMiscellaneous Fire Weather Product. FWNFire Weather Notification. FWOFire Weather Observation. FWSSuppression Forecast.

FZLFreezing Level Data (RADAT)GLFGreat Lakes Forecast. GLSGreat Lakes Storm Summary. GREGREENHD1. RFC Derived QPF Data Product. HD2. RFC Derived QPF Data Product. HD3. RFC Derived QPF Data Product. HD4. RFC Derived QPF Data Product.

HD7. RFC Derived QPF Data Product. HD8. RFC Derived QPF Data Product. HD9. RFC Derived QPF Data Product. HLSHurricane Local Statement. HMDHydrometeorological Discussion. HMLAHPS XMLHMWHazardous Materials Warning.

HP1. RFC QPF Verification Product. Watch The Little Mermaid 2: Return To The Sea Mediafire. HP2. RFC QPF Verification Product. HP3. RFC QPF Verification Product. HP4. RFC QPF Verification Product. HP5. RFC QPF Verification Product. HP6. RFC QPF Verification Product.

HP7. RFC QPF Verification Product. HP8. RFC QPF Verification Product. HRRWeather Roundup. HSFHigh Seas Forecast. HWOHazardous Weather Outlook.

HWRHourly Weather Roundup. HYDDaily Hydrometeorological Products. HYMMonthly Hydrometeorological Plain Language Product.

ICEIce Forecast. IDMIce Drift Vectors. INIADMINISTR [NOUS5. KWBC]IOBIce Observation.

KPAKeep Alive Message. LAELocal Area Emergency. LCDPreliminary Local Climatological Data. LCOLocal Cooperative Observation. LEWLaw Enforcement Warning. LFPLocal Forecast.

LKELake Stages. LLSLow- Level Sounding. LOWLow Temperatures. LSRLocal Storm Report.

LTGLightning Data. MANRawinsonde Observation Mandatory Levels. MAPMean Areal Precipitation. MAWAmended Marine Forecast. MIMMarine Interpretation Message.

MISMiscellaneous Local Product. MOBMOB Observations. MONRoutine Space Environment Product Issued Monthly. MRPTechniques Development Laboratory Marine Product. MSMASOS Monthly Summary Message. MTRMETAR Formatted Surface Weather Observation. MTTMETAR Test Message.

MVFMarine Verification Coded Message. MWSMarine Weather Statement. MWWMarine Weather Message. NOUWeather Reconnaisance Flights.

NOWShort Term Forecast. NOXData Mgt Message. NPWNon- Precipitation Warnings / Watches / Advisories. NSHNearshore Marine Forecast. NUWNuclear Power Plant Warning. NWRNOAA Weather Radio Forecast.

OAVOther Aviation Products. OBSObservations. OFAOffshore Aviation Area Forecast. OFFOffshore Forecast.

OMROther Marine Products. OPUOther Public Products. OSOOther Surface Observations. OSWOcean Surface Winds.

OUAOther Upper Air Data. OZFZone Forecast. PFMPoint Forecast Matrices. PFWFire Weather Point Forecast Matrices.

PLSPlain Language Ship Report. PMDPrognostic Meteorological Discussion. PNSPublic Information Statement. POEProbability of Exceed. PRBHeat Index Forecast Tables.

PRCState Pilot Report Collective. PREPreliminary Forecasts.

PSHPost Storm Hurricane Report. PTSProbabilistic Outlook Points. PWOPublic Severe Weather Outlook. PWSTropical Cyclone Probabilities. QPFQuantitative Precipitation Forecast.

QPSQuantitative Precipitation Statement. RDFRevised Digital Forecast. RECRecreational Report. RERRecord Report. RETEAS Activation Request.

RFDRangeland Fire Danger Forecast. RFIRFI Observation.

RFRRoute Forecast. RFWRed Flag Warning.

RHWRadiological Hazard Warning. RNSRain Information Statement. RR1. Hydro- Met Data Report Part 1. RR2. Hydro- Met Data Report Part 2. RR3. Hydro- Met Data Report Part 3.