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Venezuela helicopter attack: Net closes on Oscar Perez. The net is closing on an action movie star revolutionary who attacked a Venezuelan courthouse with grenades after his stolen helicopter was found near the coast. A nationwide manhunt is underway for Oscar Perez who is being blamed for targeting the building in Caracas in protest at dictator Nicolas Maduro's government.

This morning it emerged that the helicopter used in the attack has been found near the coast in Vargas state not far from Caracas, and elite special forces have been deployed there to step up the hunt. Authorities say he stole the police chopper and directed grenades and gunfire against the Supreme Court and Interior Ministry in what Maduro called a 'terrorist attack' on Tuesday. Scroll down for video The net is closing on an action movie star revolutionary who attacked a Venezuelan courthouse with grenades as it emerged his stolen helicopter (pictured) has been found A nationwide manhunt is underway for Oscar Perez who is being blamed for targeting the building in Caracas in protest at dictator Nicolas Maduro's government. He is pictured during an event of the Body of Scientific, Penal and Criminal Investigation in Caracas in 2. President Nicolas Maduro described Perez's actions as a 'coup' and a 'terrorist' attack and launched a manhunt for him and his co- conspirators.

Revolutionary Road Full Movie Part 1

This morning it emerged that the helicopter used in the attack has been found near the coast in Vargas state not far from Caracas, and elite special forces have been deployed there to step up the hunt. No one was injured, and there was no sign of damage at the buildings. But the episode added another layer of intrigue to a three- month- old political crisis that has left at least 7. Maduro's removal. Julio Borges, president of the opposition- controlled National Assembly, expressed doubts about Maduro's version of events but cautioned that he and the rest of the opposition were still analysing what happened.'There are people who say it was a government- staged hoax, others who say it was real,' Borges said in a radio interview. Whatever it was, it all points in the same direction: That the situation in Venezuela is unsustainable.'Little is known about Perez. On his Instagram account, he notes his job as a police investigator and tactical helicopter pilot and says his passion is Venezuela.

Oscar Perez claims to be an agent with the CICPC, Venezuela's equivalent of the FBI, before turning rogue - stealing a government helicopter and launching a grenade and gun attack on the country's Supreme Court in Caracas. Perez's claims on Instagram to be a special investigator for CICPC who is a helicopter pilot, specialist K9 trainer and weapons expert. In many of his posts, Perez shows off his skills on the firing range - including this footage where he hits a target behind him using a makeup compact mirror. In 2. 01. 5, he starred in a film called 'Suspended Death,' and several photos show him in fatigues, bearing assault rifles, skydiving and standing in action poses with a German shepherd by his side.

Actor Marcos Moreno, who starred alongside Perez in the film, told The Associated Press that like many young officers in Venezuela, Perez was unhappy with the country's growing crisis. He described the police investigator as an honest man and expressed doubt about the suggestions that Perez was in cahoots with a government plot to divert attention from Venezuela's problems.'He just wanted to raise appreciation for police in society,' Moreno said. Perez does have an acting past - having produced and starred in a 2. Suspended Death in which he plays a cop rescuing a wealthy hostage from a vicious gang When he is not on the target range or throwing himself out of helicopters, Perez seems to enjoy a life befitting James Bond - filled with fine clothes and expensive food. Perez issued a statement after going rogue on Tuesday, saying he was fighting for justice against an 'evil' and tyrannical government. Sometime Tuesday, Perez posted on his Instagram account a video in which he read a manifesto calling for rebellion.

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Revolutionary Road Full Movie Part 1

He claimed to speak on behalf of a coalition of renegade members of the security forces. Eyewitness accounts say the helicopter had hanging from its side a large banner referring to article 3. Venezuela's constitution, which empowers Venezuelans to disobey any regime that violates human rights.'We have two choices: be judged tomorrow by our conscience and the people or begin today to free ourselves from this corrupt government,' Perez said while reading from the manifesto in front of four figures dressed in fatigues and ski masks and carrying assault rifles. The government accused Perez and others in the helicopter of firing 1.

Interior Ministry as a reception was taking place for 8. It then flew a short distance to the court, which was in session, and dropped grenades, two of them against national guardsmen protecting the building. Opposition leaders said they are 'not convinced' by the attack, calling it a 'cheap show' to distract from their real purpose of democratic reform. The government accused Perez (pictured in 2. Watch The Final Destination HD 1080P. Interior Ministry as a reception was taking place for 8. The helicopter was later found near the coast in Vargas state not far from Caracas, and elite special forces were deployed there to press the hunt, Vice President Tareck El Aissami said. Photos of the pilot standing in front of the U.

S. Capitol in Washington and a U. S. Coast Guard helicopter were shown on state television to bolster the government's case that he was taking instructions from the CIA and the U. S. Embassy.'The magistrates of the Supreme Court and other judges of the nation are under a terrorist threat, for which we will request the appropriate measures to safeguard our integrity and that of our institutions,' the high court said in a statement read by Maikel Moreno, the tribunal's president. As the drama was unfolding outside the court, inside magistrates were issuing a number of rulings further blocking the opposition. One broadened the powers of staunchly pro- government ombudsman Tarek William Saab, allowing him to carry out criminal investigations that are the exclusive prerogative of chief prosecutor Luisa Ortega Diaz, who recently has become a strong critic of Maduro.

President Nicolas Maduro said a helicopter fired on Venezuela's Supreme Court Tuesday in a confusing incident that he claimed was part of a coup attempt. A bus was pictured in flames outside the court on Tuesday as armed police swarmed to defend it from the attack. Venezuelan authorities inspect the area around the Supreme Court of Justice after a reported police squad pilot buzzed the capital and may have fired on the building.

Revolutionary Road Full Movie Part 1

Residents came out of their homes to observe the police presence around the Supreme Court. A defiant Ortega accused Maduro of carrying out 'state terrorism' and said she won't recognize three new rulings she portrayed as a brazen attempt to eliminate her position as the country's top law enforcement official.'These rulings are giving the power to investigate human rights abuses to people who possibly are violating those rights,' she said in her strongest remarks since breaking with Maduro over a ruling stripping the opposition- controlled legislature of its last powers. Watch Another Forever Online Freeform.

Revolutionary Road Full Movie Part 1Revolutionary Road Full Movie Part 1

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