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Humanity`S End Full Movie Online Free

Fallout Universe Secrets You Didn't Know. The Fallout universe is vast, and like many great fictional worlds, the game takes world building seriously. Players are sometimes lost in the world of Fallout for hours, sometimes believing they discovered it all, only to realize that they missed a good Easter egg or some additional information about the world. There’s nothing greater than traversing into unknown terrains, exploring the vaults, and learning more about Vault- Tec’s insane experiments.

However, it’s easy to get so lost in the Wasteland that you miss certain important secrets that play bigger roles in the main storyline. Secrets like the immortal elixir, the Pip boy technology, or the terminal logs provide a lot of extra history about the Wasteland. The Great War, which lasted 2 hours and disfigured the planet, is chronicled in small dosages scattered around the world. Die- hard players spend hours gleaning through every terminal page, and have contributed their knowledge to online forums and web pages. The average player may understand the logistics of the general storyline, but there are secrets that add many more additional layers to the Fallout universe. Here are the 1. 5 Secrets You Never Knew About the Fallout Universe.

Since this is about secrets, please be aware that there may be some major spoilers. The Mysterious Stranger’s Son. Whenever the player is in a pinch, the Mysterious Stranger appears, saving your life with their high stamina, which allows them to take down elite soldiers. In the first game, the Mysterious Stranger can either be a man or a woman depending on the player’s gender. The later Fallout games switched to a mysterious gunman who wears a long white suit and whose entrance is followed by guitar strumming. To this day, we still don’t know what the Mysterious Stranger’s purpose is. However, we do know his son.

Humanity`S End Full Movie Online Free

The Mysterious Stranger’s tune is later brought up in Fallout: New Vegas, where the player meets with the musician named the Lonesome Drifter who needs your help. If the player agrees and fulfills the quest, they may obtain a pistol that is similar to the Mysterious Stranger’s gun. This NPC would then proceed to tell you about his father, who abandoned him when he was young. He heard from his mother that his father was “mysterious” and that his work would eventually lead him to trouble.

While official sources haven’t confirmed this, it’s strongly implied that the NPC’s father is the Mysterious Stranger. MPLX Novasurge’s Developer. The Novasurge’s cool design was created by the Raven and their team of scientists. While it’s often seen and used for particular combat skills, the creator had a role in the alien conspiracy. Before the Great War, Quaere Verum believed that the US government was covering up the truth about aliens from outer space. The organization dubbed it “The Great Conspiracy” and soon took it upon themselves to steal the Novasurge gun as proof that the US was using alien technology. The plan was semi- successful and the team managed to steal the item, but they were soon hunted down.

Underwood was the last man standing and buried the item. Underwood suspects that Aldwin Morely, the developer of the Novasurge gun, was a double agent working for the US government.

Humanity`S End Full Movie Online Free

As for the rest of the team, it’s assumed that they all perished. The Novasurge gun is one of the unique guns located in Mothership Zeta, and other people may find it located at the spaceship hangar. Vault 1. 1 Backstory.

Vault 1. 1’s secrets are hidden deep within the terminals, and if players look closer at the vault’s design, they can find subtle references to the Milgram experiment. This experiment reveals just how far people are willing to go and destroy each other in the name of self- preservation. Players can see election posters where the candidates talk their way out of being elected as the overseer. Vault- Tec installed the sacrificial room as means to test out if the vault dwellers were able to choose between moral conscious and self- preservation if they decide to kill the overseer.

Humanity`S End Full Movie Online Free

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Humanity`S End Full Movie Online Free

The scientists also wanted to see whether or not the dwellers were willing to overlook their ethics because authority told them to. Watch The Wicker Man IMDB on this page. The experiment continued until the dwellers choose to not sacrifice anymore people, and only then were they allowed to leave. By then, however, the survivors, or what was left of them, killed themselves, except Voice 1 who wanted the world to learn of the truth. The sole survivor nicknamed “Vault 1. Fallout: New Vegas’ resource files as an NPC, but was cut in the official release. The Silver Shroud’s Full Story. One of the best side stories focuses on the Silver Shroud.

Players are tasked with hunting a few people who are in the wrong side of the crowd. In the quest, players can take on Kent Connelly’s– a fan of the Silver Shroud– quest to hunt down the criminals.

Kent hosts regular radio episodes on the Silver Shroud, a character from the Hubris Comics, and since he’s a ghoul, he’s lived two centuries, and seen the city deteriorated from the Great War. If the player successfully completes the mission, they can obtain Silver Shroud armor. It is important to note that the player must wear the Silver Shroud to save Kent Connelly instead of power armor. This is likely a nod to Kent Connelly, who always wanted to see the real Silver Shroud saving the day– and saving him.

However, there’s another secret– if the player kills Kent in front of Sinjin, then new dialogue will appear, saying that the player is crazier than Sinjin. Nuka- Cola’s League of Chemists.

The ever- popular drink before the Great War was the face of corporate America. What started as a soft beverage turned into a multi- conglomerate in the US. Nuka- Cola’s founder, John- Caleb Bradberton, used his newfound power to monopolize other beverages, with the exception of Sunset Sarsparella. Nuka- cola’s influence also extended to the military, which wanted to utilize the company’s lead beverage chemists to create chemical weapons. Bradberton agreed only if General Braxton would allow them in on Project Leap X to ensure his own survival during a possible apocalypse. The company’s research team had a league of chemists responsible for the variety of flavors, including the rarest drink: Nuka- Cola Quantum. Players can uncover the truth behind the Quantum drink and Quantum weapons in Fallout 3.

The full story of Nuka- Cola’s history is scattered in the four games, and players won’t meet John Bradberton until Fallout 3. In the third game, he’s cryogenically frozen, and asks the player to kill him to end his suffering. The company’s involvement with the military can be read in Braxton’s terminal entries. Los Angeles Vault.

The Los Angeles Vault is known as the first demonstration vault that spearheaded the Vault projects throughout the US. Unlike the other vaults, the LA shelter is on the listed vaults, so there were no crazy experiments or social projects involved. The vault is featured in the first game as one of the main locations where the Master resides.

We learn about the vault’s origin as the shelter that was used to prove the benefit of nuclear fallout shelters. Vault- Tec would see Los Angeles’ success as a step for future bomb shelters and social experiments conducted by Overseers. After the Great War, the Los Angeles Vault was put to good use and spared from the vault’s experiments. The vault dwellers left the shelter to explore the Wasteland above.